I have blogged in the past about the epidemic of teen deaths in Anoka. How in a space of less than two years nine young people at Anoka middle and high school were bullied to death. All because they were either Gay or Lesbian, or were perceived to be Lesbian or Gay. And the good Christian conservatives response to this epidemic of suicides? Blame the victims, and do everything they can to prevent ANY effort to address the real cause or issues that drove nine young people in their town to end their own lives. MSNBC profiled the issue, back last Fall
The current issue of Rolling Stone Magazine takes a clear, brutally honest look at Anoka, and how the intolerance of one town is killing their own kids. The article is very hard to read, but I encourage everyone to try to get through it.

Bachmann said, "I think for all us our experience in public schools is there have always been bullies, always have been always will be," according to a recording posted by the Dump Bachmann blog.
"Will it get to the point where we are completely stifling free speech and expression? Will it mean that what form of behavior will there be, will we be expecting boys to be girls?" She asks. "I just don't know how we can realistically expect a zero tolerance of bullying behavior."
Yeah, because to expect educators to make school a safe space for all kids, is just so irrational right? On his program "The Last Word" , Lawrence O'Donnell highlighted the issue.The article in Rolling Stone explores how hate groups like the insanely mis-named "Minnesota Family Council" have mobilized full force to defend what they believe is their right to bully LGBT kids to death.
It is people like the Minnesota Family Council, who have smiled approvingly as the climate they created resulted in the bullying of nine young people to death, and then claim any effort to stop them from killing even more, is somehow a violation of their rights, who truly make me hope that atheists are wrong, and there really is a Hell. Because, I dearly want the bigots and bullies of Anoka, Minnesota to spend eternity there.
Have I ever told you how much I admire your courage?
Sigh, these horrid right wingers and their precious world view of whats freedom of speech and what isnt. Why they are so filled with hate and bile towards GLBT kids is byeond me. But these people need to get a grip on reality. There are glbt people. There always has been and no matter what they do, there always will be. They need to grow up and realize that their views of whats right and wrong doesnt apply to anyone at all besides themselves.
If they feel its wrong to be gay, well fine and dandy for them! Then they shouldnt be gay, or muslim, or jewish, or any one of a million things these people seem to be against. And hey religious right people? Read your bible, it says love thy neighbour, and go forth and do so.
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