Monday, March 16, 2020

How the 2020 Race has now completely changed

Hey there folks...

For the most part I have been silent on the 2020  US Presidential race, as I waited for the Democratic Primary process to run its course. Yet as is often the case in politics, global events have totally taken things in a new direction.    Nations around the world  have taken drastic  steps to try to stem the spread of the Corna Virus.   While the United States response  has been,  to put it mildly....lacking.

Partly because the President of the United States chose to igmore the warnings from health experts around the globe and in his own Adninistration.   As this wasn't a problem he could Tweet his way out of  he instead chose to downplay  it,  then deny it,  they try to blame it on his poltical opponents.

As the virus spread more widely across  Asia, Europe and the the United States.  Trump still stuck to his fact-free talking points  that the problem was going to just go away,  or was getting better,  or  was a "hoax".    Meanwhile  the United States was doing NO testing  and even had gone so far as to turn down help from the World Health Organization to begin tests.  

Then the Stock market took a nosedive.

The one honest emotion and instinct Donald Trump has, is above all else,  self preservation.  Seeing his re-election campaign against  "democratic socialism"  about to be totally derailed.  He  spoke to  the nation in a rare televised Oval Office address.

It did not go well....

So... here we are.  Stores cleaned out of hand sanitizer and (of all things....) toilet papaer.   Americans told to  "social distance"  themselves from other people, while thousands of people are told to work from home,  or if they can't work remotely  just stay home on  unpaid leave from their jobs.

The 2020 General election campaign is now ALL about Covid19. And here are the key questions that every campaign ad from now until November needs to ask, (Questions Trump is desperately trying to AVOID.)

1) He was briefed on the virus in January and did NOTHING why?

2) The Pandemic Response desk at the NSA as disbanded by HIM - W

(We know why.. because it was put in place by Obama and  the Organge Foolious' ego can't stand anything the Black Guy did. Still it will be fun to watch him squirm, splutter and sweat cheeto dust everytime a reporter asks the question.)

3) The World Health Org. testing kits were refused by HIM - Why?

The total incompetence of the Trump Administration in responding to this crisis IS now the entire context of the 2020 Race and it is a context that Trump can't Tweet his way out of.

In the past week Donald Trump has shown himself to the a direct danger to the health and security of the American People. And THAT is now what is on the 2020 ballot. Not "socialism" not any Biden verbal gaffes, not AOC and the green new deal and not any fictitious border wall that Mexico still isn't paying for.

The  2020  election is now a referendum on the leadership of President Donald Trump.

Trump's incompetence in responding to a global pandemic is now the question. on the ballot. If the RNC hopes in anyway for the GOP to survive 2020 , they should dump Trump AND Pence and nominate Bill Weld and John Kasich.

Sadly the Republican Party is now just a pathetic "MAGA" cult and is deaf to anything but Trumptweets and Sean Hanity talking points. So.... Good luck with that.

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