Thursday, September 17, 2020

Trump Voters: Time to Pick Who in Your Family Dies.

One of the biggest criticisms of Donald Trump has been the lack of any clear national plan or stategy for dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic.  Supporters of the President have always countered by saying the President is a genius who has a plan,  and the rest of us just don't understand his strategy  and how great it is.

It turns out supporters of Donald Trump are right about one thing.   The President DOES have  plan.  The “new” strategy the Trump Administration has for dealing with the Covid pandemic was revealed by the President at the ABC News town hall. Donald Trump said when we achieve a “Herd Mentality” (Population Immunity) the virus will “go away” even if there is no Vaccine.

Sigh… I wish this was “fake news” but this is actually what Trump is doing.  

 You know what? Okay, fine. Let’s go with this. 

To achieve the level of population immunity that Trump says will make the virus go away, you will need to infect nearly 70% of the US Population,  and then that 70% will need to have developed antibody immunity to the virus, meaning they can’t be re-infected.  So to be clear. Donald Trump’s PLAN is for 215,000,000 Americans to get Covid 19, and that will solve the problem.  

So 70% of the population need to be infected with a virus that has a  fatality rate  of 2.97% . 


You know what? Lets be generous! Lets say all the wild unscientific, proven to be false claims by Trump are actually true. 
  • Let’s say that hydroxychloroquine and Convalescent Plasma are treatments for the Virus.     (They aren’t).
  • Lets say that the fatality rate is less than HALF of what is really is.                                             (It isn’t, it really IS 2.7%)
  • Let’s say that to achieve population immunity you don’t need to infect 70% of the population. (You do). 
  • Let's also say that everyone who gets covid and survives is now immune to getting it again.  (They aren't).
Giving Trump all those HUGE fact free assumptions, what would his “Plan” for herd mentality (Immunity) look like?   Let's do the math...

So here is the  question;  If you support Donald Trump,  who in your community has do die?   Seriously, give me names.   Because  the FACTS are  under Donald Trump's  plan some people you know are definitely going die . It's not politics, it's math.  So lets take a totally random US City, like.. say...  Pensacola Florida.

Pensacola Florida is a beautiful place on the Gulf Coast of Florida. the 58th largest city in Florida and the 757th largest city in the United States with a population of 52,411 people. So under Donald Trumps  genius plan,  34,067 people will need to get infected with Covid-19 and under the rosiest of scenarios taking as true  ALL of the optimistic and fact free assumptions on treatments, antibody immunity and a low death rate;  we are  still looking at over a thousand people dying.  

Given the relatively low population and geographic size of the city, and Trump's claim that masks "might be bad", and everything should just reopen;  if you live in Pensacola, Florida the statistical  probability of someone you know being among those more than a thousand dead is around 50%

So go ahead, make a list of all your family and friends,  Then take 65% of them,  then take 1% of those names.   Then for everyone on that list,  flip a coin Heads they live, tails... They die.    THAT is what a vote for Donald Trump REALLY is a vote in support of.    But hey,  some sacrifices  have to be made for Donald Trump's plan to work, right?

So Keep America Great!  Oh, and  start picking your names.   

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