Thursday, August 23, 2018

Leave Donald Trump Alone!

Here’s an idea…. Leave Donald Trump alone. Don’t impeach him. Don’t indict him, don’t force him to resign. Leave him right where he is, in the White House.   Huh?   No I have not lost my marbles or become a MAGA Hat wearing , “Lock her up!: chanting dimwit.

So hear me out on this.   Today we saw the felony conviction of the former Trump Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort for Tax Fraud; and the felony guilty plea by Donald Trump’s long time personal lawyer Michael, Cohen for multiple election law violations. Crimes that in his guilty plea, Cohen stated flat out that he committed at the express direction of Donald Trump. 

Now is not the time to be nice. Now is time to tar every single GOP candidate with the Donald Trump toilet brush.

But even before these two legal bombshells today, the already shaky likelihood of the Party of Donald Trump retaining control of the House of Representatives was becoming even less likely. So for once, I hope the Democratic party will NOT do what it usually does; which is try to be nice.
Left leaning pundits are salivating at the possibility of a “Blue Wave” come this November. The most realistic victory scenario is one where the Democrats take the House and hold the line in the Senate and pick up one senate seat. (Yes Dean Heller, we are looking at you …)

Should this come to pass the understandable urge to pummel Donald Trump and his whole swamp with a massive congressional inquiry leading to the impeachment of the 45th President of the United States will be nearly overwhelming.

Don’t do it. Seriously. Don’t. Leave him right where he is. Impeachment and resignation are too easy. With a Democratic super majority in the house, and an increased number in the Senate, We can undo most of the damage this nightmare Presidency has done, and at the same time enjoy the spectacle of Donald Trump forced to sit by and watch it all, helpless.

Don’t Impeach Trump, render him irrelevant.
I want a Democratic super majority to wield all of the tools crafted by our founding fathers in the Constitution to completely undo the Trump Presidency and I want to enjoy the sound of Donald Trump wailing in impotent rage while it happens.   I want to watch every Trump executive order get nullified, every budget demolishing tax break for his swamp repealed, and every common sense regulation he has attacked, reinstated.

Then, when Trump vetoes all that , I want to enjoy the sight of congress swiftly overriding it.

I want the White House Press Corps to stop covering the daily White House Press briefing. Leaving Sarah Sanders whine to Fox News, Breitbart, Alex Jones and Russia Today. (Also, it’s not like she will have anything of importance to say anyway.)

The founding fathers made the executive branch the weakest of the three branches of the government for a reason.  They knew that someday a nut-job with dreams of monarchy might become President. So they put in safeguards. The Legislative branch is empowered with oversight, control of the purse strings, the power to declare war and the veto override.  All designed to reign in exactly the sort of President who now squats in the oval office.

Lets not forget who is waiting in the wings. If you impeach Trump, you get Pence. The voices in Mike Pence’s head have been telling him that God wants him to be the unelected President of the United States. It’s time to show Mike Pence that God has better things to do.  So lets make it so Mike Pence  will just have to sit on the porch of the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory and complain to “Mother” that he is being denied his destiny.  

So do I just want to to see Trump and Pence suffer?    No. This about more than just Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dumber.    This is about what the Republican Party has become.

The GOP needs to be made to sit in a corner for while and think about what they did. They enabled this monstrosity. They cheered on the racism, the misogyny, the fiscal hypocrisy and the destruction of America’s influence on the global stage, and turned a blind eye to Russian attacks on our very democracy. All for the sake of tax cuts.

The Republican Party needs to face the consequences of their actions. 

Impeachment is too nice. It’s time to give Trump and his entire political party a time out. Let him sit and tweet in useless rage, while Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg run the country.