Friday, December 07, 2018

Star Trek Musings, 39 years later...

I was browsing on Facebook and saw a note  in a group I follow that marked today as the  39th anniversary  of the preview of  the very first Start Trek movie.  (Star Trek The Motion Picture) Which opened on December 7th , 1979

This movie will always have special place in my heart. I saw it on  that New Years Eve. I was in grade school  so there wasn't much for me to do on New Year's Eve. My older brother and sister were both doing things with their friends and I was stuck at home. 

Then My parents said we were going to go into local shopping mall near our home in  Madison WI and see the new Star Trek movie.Well , when you are in 4th grade just going to a "late showing" of any movie is pretty cool but this was STAR TREK!

So needless to say... I was pretty excited.

Also my parents were not really what you would call Star Trek fans, or the kind of people who went to late movies, so the fact that they were clearly doing this for me was also pretty cool.

We went to the movie and it was after midnight when we were driving home when our car had engine trouble. But right then a WI State Trooper saw us and offered us a ride home so Dad could get our other car and tow this one back. While we were heading home in the back of the patrol car, someone went speeding by the other direction and the trooper hit the lights and siren and swung round and went after the speeder! I was in kid heaven! 

So bash the movie if you will, call it "Star Trek the Plotless Picture" if you must. But for me it will always remind me of what remains to this day is one of the best New Year's Eve's I've ever had.

Thanks Mom & Dad

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