Thursday, April 28, 2022

Dear Democratic Party... Why Won't You Fight?

Dear Democratic Party,

I opened my email again this morning to the regular deluge of frantic cries of doom and defeat from your email fundraising apparatus.   All CAPS and bold or italicized subject lines like “It’s over David!”  or “We are losing the fight!”.  All with fear drenched exhortations for me to donate now!  Lest the  GOP and it’s insane agenda take hold and destroy American Democracy forever… etc. etc.

Um...No. What do I mean by 'no'?  I mean why should I “join the fight” when YOU are not in it? 

 Let’s be very clear here,  the Republican “agenda” is all the of awful things you say it is in your emails.   It is the wholesale destruction of the American Experiment.  It is to deny voting rights to people of color, it is to smash the Social Security trust fund and turn it into Wall Street’s own stack of casino chips.  

It is to pick the pockets of 99% of Americans and just give their money and then some to the top 1%.   It is to ignore science, institute theocracy, make American health Care a Darwinian nightmare of survival of the richest.  It is to eliminate rights of women and demonize LGBTQ Americans with the vicious lie they are a threat to children.

It is to turn the clock back from 2022 to 1952.  It is to make white supremacy a guiding national principle and to take anyone who doesn’t fit that monochrome, monotheistic, racist, sexist, xenophobic and yes, fascist profile and regulate them to 2nd or even 3rd class citizenship.   All this is true.

But you won’t say that out loud.   Sure, you put it your fundraising emails.  In bold font sometimes even underlined.  But you won’t stand on the floor of the House chamber or in the Senate and say the agenda of the Republican Party is one of  liars, racists and  thieves who are going to destroy this country.   You just don’t have the guts. 

You see, you apparently think this is still the same country it was prior to 2016.  You think the old rules of sanity, civility and public decency still apply to our national debate.   You believe that if you just keep “taking the high road” the American People will see that and think “Gosh the Democrats are good people!  I’ll vote for them!”

You are beyond stupid, and if you don’t start fighting you are going to lose. America has changed, and not for better.  The true legacy of Donald Trump is that truth no longer matters. 

When Mitch McConnell stole a supreme court seat from President Obama and just handed it to Donald Trump, what did you do?   I know what you should have done. You should have shut down the entire federal government, blocked funding to every Republican congressional pork project.  And shouted into every microphone that Mitch and the GOP were attempting a coup.   

But no, instead you stood behind your podiums looking constipated and lamented the ‘unprecedentedness” of it all.

When a Republican member of congress stood on the floor of the house and bald-faced lied, claiming Democrats are satanic child molesters, what do you do in response?   I know what you should have done.  You should have stopped everything and every single member of your party should have found a camera and microphone and said that person was a fascist nutcase who must immediately be expelled from Congress, and any Republican who doesn’t agree is complete and total coward.

But no, you just stood behind your podiums again, looking constipated, lamenting the “unprecedentedness” of it all.

You signaled clearly to the GOP that you were not going to fight.  So, it just got worse.  To the point where a mob of domestic terrorists was sent to attack YOU on January 6th.   Now, over a year later, facing the 2022 midterms you refuse to say out loud the simple truth; Voting  Republican is  voting to support terrorists, white supremacists,  and  criminals who will loot the U.S Treasury for themselves and their donors.

You don’t have the guts to win.  Your very well-paid consultants have convinced you that to speak the truth out loud might alienate “centrist voters’.  So, you will speak in vague general terms about “fighting for America’s middle class”. 

And when you lose the House and the senate this November because the GOP convinced just enough voters in just enough states that you want kindergarten students to be taught that white people are evil and gay sex is fun, you will once again stand at your podiums looking constipated wondering what happened .

And when women’s rights, voting rights, civil rights for all minorities are rolled back to ‘good old days’ when middle aged rich white men were all that mattered, you will be sad about it. But let’s be honest,  folks like Chuck Schumer and his friends will be just fine.  Their own wall street pals will make sure of that. 

The rest of us are on our own.

Asking people to vote for you isn’t enough.  I have news for you; The Republicans figured this out a long time ago.  They are not saying what they are for. Wanting to force women to bear their rapist’s child doesn’t make for a catchy bumper sticker.  The GOP is not asking people to vote FOR them.  They are telling people they need to vote AGAINST you, by using a grotesque litany of culture war lies to do so.

You need to call  the GOP what it is, an evil cult.  A cabal of con artists who will destroy this nation for fun and profit.  

They are the KKK gone political. They are racist, sexist, homophobic anti American domestic terrorists who will eliminate Social Security and Medicare (which by the way, is  actually IN their 11 point “plan”.)  and turn America into an Oligarchy the likes of which would make Vladimir Putin bust with envy.

I'll leave you with the sage of advice of one fictional Democratic operative from "The West Wing"

Until  you actually start truly fighting against the GOP, all the emails in the  world aren’t going to convince Americans to join you.

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