Once upon a time ... well ok, about 22 years ago I had the great good fortune to make friends with a fellow student at the University of Wisconsin. His name is James Wigderson.
James was, and remains to this day, the true "thinking man's conservative". Unapologetic, but never bombastic. Opinionated but never intellectually dishonest. In the arena of public political discourse James was and remains a true gentleman, a brilliant writer, and a first class political mind.
James and I rarely agree on issues, but the debate has always been engaging, challenging and rewarding. We may not see eye to eye in our conversations, but my thought process has always been the better for having had the debate.
I don't link many sites to mine, but his "Wigderson Library and Pub" blog - (http://wigdersonlibrarypub.blogspot.com) has been linked here since this mild attempt at blogging began in 2004.
Today James announced the "pub" is closing. He is going to focus on other projects and launch a new web effort in the fall. As much as I and his many other readers will miss the WL&P we look forward to new conversations in September.
So happy 5th birthday to your great blog James. Thanks for debate and for always being a class act.
See you in fall JW!
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